God's will is to have the greatest composite result for His creation.
He optimizes every gift that He gives us based on the degree of our commitment to Him and it's effect on the composite good. This is done outside of time, as He created time. This is how He loves us. Because He is outside of time and we're not, it is a constant love. This is the only way He can love us and it's as a Perfect Father. He created us and He intervened in our lives simultaneously to accomplish the most good and perfect justice. This why everything is God's will, not in the sense of predestination, but as defined in the first sentence of this writing:
God's will is to have the greatest composite result for His creation.
He knew the results of what we would or will do (our free will) even before we do it. He gave us our free will so that we would be able to love Him and His creatures. So perfect justice is the combination of His will and ours. To the degree that we can love Him and our neighbor, establishes the amount of joy we will be able to receive in His justice system and for our own good our choices need to be just.
The best way to do this is to exercise our free will, by using prayer, to improve our disposition. The perfect disposition is when our will is conformed to His. In this state we are able to love Him and others as He loves us. We need to pray for that which I would call the "gift of loving". The "gift of loving" enables us to love Him and His creations more. Since we are inside of time and in the midst of distractions, this is best accomplished with a strong mental connection to Him who is on the other side, outside of time and then sincerely asking for the "gift of loving". The more we ask for this the more we get. We usually get a good connection with Him when we pray in front of the tabernacle or a better connection before the monstrance. The best connection however is right after receiving communion, when our body becomes the tabernacle.
Asking for the "gift of loving" will strengthen our love for God, our neighbors and even give us a greater appreciation for the material, physical and mental gifts He has given us. But best of all it starts now. He rewards us in the present life as well as in the eternal life that follows. We will become more joyful and it's free, a gift from Our Creator. If the amount of joy we receive doesn't take place in this life it shouldn't matter. Trust God. It depends on what fits His composite result. For most people however, depending on the degree of commitment in your heart, you will receive even the smallest gifts in this life whenever He can fit it into His composite result. These include such trivial things as: increased bowling average, increased basketball success or increased luck at games of chance, depending on God knowing how much you desire each of these. I don't know if this works through the Angels or what. Does it really matter? When I was in elementary school I had a friend, John Tauer, who we could never beat playing poker. Sometimes it seemed like he cheated, but we knew he wasn't the type. Recently I remembered that he lived across the street from the church and attended daily Mass, something that I didn't do.
Romans 8:28
"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose."
Mark 10:28-31
Peter began to say to Jesus, "We have given up everything and followed you."
Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age: houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come."
God's Extreme Intervention.
Have you ever wondered why God chose someone like Saul to be a major player in the success of His church. It was because it served the greatest composite good, the constant love He has for all of us.
As an example, those who are loving will only receive monetary rewards in this life if it is in their best interest and in the interest of the whole. If He has to short change us it will be in this life. When we observe someone, in retrospect, who had a difficult life through no fault of his own, (i.e. "bad things happening to good people".) it's just God working His perfect justice and if he persevered in this testing he will receive his rewards in heaven. Let's get close to God so that we can trust Him unconditionally and live our life, daily... with the perfect disposition.
This insight is the greatest gift that God has given me, so far. During Lent, 1999, I received, from God, the gift of loving Him. Somehow, I knew it was important. In addition, I began receiving consolations and have continued to receive them in this present age. I didn't understand why, however, until receiving the above insight in 2011. Thank you Holy Spirit! I hope I've articulated this well enough to pass it on to you.
† Dominic of Chandler O.P.
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